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It is the procedure of freezing eggs, sperms, embryos to sub-zero temperatures for later use. The eggs, sperm, and embryos are then thawed for use in IVF. The sperms from this technique can also be used in IUI. In Egg Cryopreservation, only mature and viable eggs are frozen as they are the ones that can be correctly fertilized at a later stage. As far as Sperm Cryopreservation is concerned, the sperm can be used successfully and indefinitely. On the other hand, Embryo Cryopreservation is the process where the extra embryos are frozen and stored. It is a better option than having the extra embryos destroyed. If the IVF procedure fails the first time, this procedure can provide another chance to get pregnant. If a couple already has a baby, they can use these embryos later to have a second baby.